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Module: fields format

Trombinoscope Contacts
Starting in v4.1
Address format The way an address is shown, if the ‘Formatted Address’ field is selected
  • Suburb/City, State/Province Zip/Postal
  • Zip/Postal Suburb/City, State/Province
  • Zip/Postal Suburb/City
  • Suburb/City Zip/Postal
  • Suburb/City, State/Province
Link with map Links the address with a map link
  • Auto will attempt to create a link with the address information (works on formatted address only)
  • Pro Field will use the map link provided
  • Pro Field first will use the map link provided. If not found, will attempt the creation of the link automatically (useful when a contact address cannot be created automatically and we can provide a link instead to make sure the address is linked to a map)
Auto map params Additional parameters that can be used to modify the automatic map’s output (like the language for instance).
Some parameters are overridden by Google (like zooming) in non-embedded maps

Example hl=en controls the language

Note You can find more information at the The YouMoz Blog
Date format Pro The date format used for calendar Joomla 3.7 custom fields following the syntax explained at
Birth date format Pro The date format following the syntax explained at
Other information field
Other information The contact miscellaneous information to show (it is possible to show the meta description as an alternative)
Letter count max The maximum number of letters to show (left blank, it will show the whole text)
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max
Strip tags Remove the html tags, whether the text is truncated or not
Keep tags When removing html tags, keep the ones laid out here

Example <p><a><br> will keep the paragraphs, links and new line formattings (closing tags are unnecessary)

Note Get better looking results by only keeping inline elements such as <a> or <br>.
Process plugins Trigger the content plugins included in the contact information
Email and URL fields
Link email Link the email to
  • mailto: Opens the user's default email manager, if any
  • Contact (Joomla Contacts) Links to the Joomla standard contact page
  • Pro Contact (Trombinoscope Contacts Pro) Links to the Trombinoscope Contacts Pro component's Single Contact view
  • Pro Contact form (Trombinoscope Contacts Pro) Directly links the email address (or substitute) to the Trombinoscope Contacts Pro component's Single Contact view form
Cloak email  Obfuscates email addresses with JavaScript to protect them from Spambots.
Note when using the module in content (by using the load modules plugin for instance), set the email cloaking to ‘yes’ in the module if the plugin email cloaking is enabled. It will prevent wrong styling of the content
Email substitute Replace the email address with specific text
Webpage substitute Replace the webpage URL with specific text

Show or hide the URL protocol (will remove http:// from URLs for a shorter representation on the card)

Links A..E
Label as substitute Use the link label (= link name) as a replacement for the URL value. Check all possibilities at Fields: behavior and what happens when showing social network with those fields at Social network fields.

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