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Updating older versions

Truly Responsive Slides

You do not need to uninstall the module before updating it. In fact, uninstalling the modules will remove all created instances.

Before updating, make sure you read the change logs from your installed version to the one you wish to install and are aware of potential backward compatibility issues.

Cached scripts and styles are removed on update. Updates fix issues, add features and/or improve performance and these wouldn't be reflected unless all cached files are re-generated.

Moving to Joomla 5 from Joomla 4.4

The upgrade is seamless and no side effects have been reported so far. If you have the latest version installed under Joomla 4.4, no update is necessary when upgrading to Joomla 5.

The extension works properly with or without the Compatibility plugin enabled.


Moving to Joomla 4 from Joomla 3.9.10

For a successful migration to Joomla 4, the extension first needs to be up to date in your Joomla 3.10 configuration.

There are no changes for Truly Responsive Slides free or pro at this time.
K2 support is removed, there will be no version of K2 for Joomla 4 (decision made 05/24 by the developers of K2).

However, template overrides NEED to reflect the changes made for Joomla 4 compatibility. If you have created any, you must update them.

For general instructions on moving from Joomla 3.10 to Joomla 4, please check this tutorial out!

Must read: specific instructions about the migration for this extension.

Updating to v2.8.x from v2.7.x

K2 support has been completely removed (it was not enabled but code was updated and present).

Pro BE AWARE, concerning tooltips: width and heights were not properly used in the calculation of the target tooltip coordinates resulting in wrong placement in the slides. It has been fixed and WILL move tooltips around if you use them.

Pro Content now flows naturally in the tooltips, line breaks are no longer necessary.

Updating to v2.7.x from v2.6.x

This is the last major update under Joomla 3. From now on, the Joomla 3 extensions will only receive bug fixes.

This release contains data-related fixes and went through a major database queries overhaul.

Now, filter articles with custom fields of SQL type.

Updating to v2.6.x from v2.5.x

Fixes and improvements to match changes in the extensions library.

Updating to v2.5.x from v2.4.x

This release now supports { loadmodule } and { field } syntax in article slides. Show any custom field inside the content.

Joomla 4 The sliders now use Font Awesome icons for arrows.

Pro Even better! If tooltips are articles, the { field } syntax is also supported!

Pro Joomla 4 Tooltip icon target now supports Font Awesome icons. If you have template overrides for the article data source and use tooltips, you will need to update them.

Updating to v2.4.x from v2.3.x

The major feature for this release is the possible selection of articles through custom fields. To learn more about this new way of selecting articles, please check this tutorial.

Updating to v2.3.x from v2.2.x

This version brings support to the AVIF image type (PHP 8.1+). It also adds image versioning, easing testing and reducing cache issues.

Joomla 4 The extension supports the Imagick PHP image extension. If Imagick is available on your server, you may use it instead of the GD extension.

Updating to v2.2.x from v2.1.x

Pro The previous version overlooked a bug that was affecting the pro versions updated to v2.0. It's been corrected in this version (issue: original background images are not used even though their dimension is identical to the slide's dimensions).

The GD library may generate rather large PNG files when large images are used as slides. Therefore, when using WEBP image files, you now have the opportunity to decide between png and jpg as fallback image type. You now also have access to the quality of the images produced by the extension.

Pro To ease the transition to Joomla 4, article's tooltips have moved to their own tab. It is now easier to spot where tooltips are located. Moreover, subforms are now used, allowing you to create as many tooltips as needed, there is no longer a count limitation. You will not lose data on update, all tooltips data is moved properly in the database if the tooltips plugin for articles is enabled. Make sure tooltip functionality is limited to specific article categories in the plugin, otherwise the whole content table will be searched for tooltip data, which may bring your server down to its knees.

Pro You will need to update your overrides if you have any replacing articles.php. If you don't update them, the tooltips will stop showing, as tooltips for articles have been moved to a new architecture (it does not concern K2-generated slideshows).

Joomla 4 Joomla 4 versions are not final. Please download and try. I appreciate your feedback. You may encounter issues related to Joomla 4 just being released.

Updating to v2.1.x from v2.0.x

There are a no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Migrating to v2.0.x from v1.14.x

There are a couple major features introduced in this version:

  • WebP image file support,
  • Pro Replacement of the breakpoints script with browser native support,
  • Improvements in accessibility and web standards.

Support for WebP image files

The library, packaged with Truly Responsive Slides, has been updated to handle WebP image files and consume less processing memory. Using WebP for your images will increase page load speed. The extension also handles the creation of fallback images for browsers which cannot handle WebP image files. Get more info in this article: Adding support for the WebP image file type in Simplify Your Web extensions.

The new breakpoints feature

Pro The change will require an update of your overrides, if you have any. Code to the ResponsiveImg script needs to be removed to prevent javascript errors. The removal of the script does improve page performance and images are now swapped thanks to media queries (the <picture> element is used).

The breakpoint images have also been renamed to include the breakpoint number (image.png becomes image_768.png for a breakpoint at 768 pixels). The suffixes _small, _medium and _large are no longer used.

Updating to v1.14.x from v1.13.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.13.x from v1.12.x

Update overrides to take advantage of the new advanced parameters.

Updating to v1.12.x from v1.11.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.11.x from v1.10.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.10.x from v1.9.x

If you have created template overrides, they need to be up-to-date to get the latest improvements with Bootstrap compatibility.

Updating to v1.9.x from v1.8.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.8.x from v1.7.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.7.x from v1.6.x

There are no compatibility issues with the prior version.

Updating to v1.6.x from v1.5.x

The caching of stylesheets and scripts has gone through a total rewrite. It is no longer necessary to change file permission access on websites that have very tight security rules. If you have setup file permission access for the files of this module, you can now safely remove them from your server configuration.

You may still, however, run into access permissions under the new caching system. In that case, it is just a matter of granting access to (or white-list) the /cache folder created for the extension.