There are quite a few positions available in the Bare 960 Responsive templates.
For a 'live' view of the positions, check out the demo sites:
The list of positions:
- template-topmenu
- template-mainmenu
- template-bottommenu
- template-search
- template-extraheader
- template-breadcrumb
- template-ticker
- template-ticker-bottom
- template-sidebar-left
- template-sidebar-right
- template-content-top
- template-content-bottom
- template-tripletleft
- template-tripletmiddle
- template-tripletright
- template-tripletbottomleft
- template-tripletbottommiddle
- template-tripletbottomright
- template-footer
- template-longtripletleft
- template-longtripletmiddle
- template-longtripletright
- template-quadrupletleft
- template-quadrupletmiddleleft
- template-quadrupletmiddleright
- template-quadrupletright
- template-fullwidth-content-before
- template-fullwidth-content-after
- debug