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Global configuration: shared options

Truly Responsive Slides



Loader type The loader used for lazy load
  • Default select a ready-made animated image
  • Data URI add specific encoded image directly embedded into the source code
  • Image select your own image, animated or not
Default loader Selectable animated loaders provided with the extension, by default: 
Data URI The encoded image data that will be used as loader.
The format is:
data:[mime type];charset=[charset];base64,[encoded data]
Image The image (animated or not) that will be used as loader

Those animations are used while the sliders are loading, giving users a visual feedback.

Shared options

Site mode
  • Test mode to use when setting up the extension. Will ensure errors are shown, images, style and script libraries are re-created at every page access
  • Live mode to use when the extension is ready for production. Will turn off error messages and will cache images, styles and scripts
  • Advanced keep access to all parameters hidden in the previous modes
Bootstrap compatibility If you are using a Bootstrap template, select which version of Bootstrap your template is compatible with. It will ensure the extension outputs the proper classes for the Bootstrap version you are using.

The Joomla option loads the Bootstrap version packaged with Joomla (which is the default behavior). All other options WILL NOT load Bootstrap.

The extension can function without the Bootstrap framework. Select None
Show errors When getting un-expected output results, show error messages to troubleshoot what the issues may be
Reset pictures Whether to re-create the image thumbnails every time the page is loaded or not.
'No' will improve server performance once the module is properly configured and ready for prime time
Images cache path The path for the thumbnails created (by default, in the media folder under /thumbnails/trs).
It is possible to save the files to the temporary folder of the Joomla configuration or the /cache folder (/media/cache under Joomla 4)
WEBP/AVIF fallback The image type of the fallback images when using images of WEBP or AVIF type (jpg or png)
Stylesheets and scripts
Joomla 4
Lazyload stylesheets
It is possible to lazy load some stylesheets like icon fonts. It is a feature included in Joomla 4 but it must be supported by the site's template on the public side.

You can enable lazy loading for all Simplify Your Web extensions at once and even add support for it if the template does not. To do so, you need to enable the feature in the SimplifyYourWeb extensions System plugin
Inline scripts Include scripts directly into the HTML source code, reducing the amount of HTTP requests. The scripts are small enough so that writing them into the source may have a better performance than calling them through files
Remote libraries Whenever possible, load third-party libraries remotely (from a Content Delivery Network) for improved performance
Reset header files Re-creates the cached stylesheets and scripts after style modifications have be made.
'No' will improve server performance once the view or module is properly configured and ready for prime time

Stylesheets and scripts are cached in the /cache folder. Deleting the cached files from the administrator console (System -> Clear Cache) prevents resetting the Reset Header Files parameter to 'yes' when changes are made.

However, it is no longer possible to manually remove the files from the console under Joomla 4, as the files are now cached in the /media/cache folder.