Information is generally illustrated with icons in Simplify Your Web's extensions. Most fields usually come with a default icon, but this can be easily overridden when using the icon picker.
Joomla 4
The newest version of the icon picker now allows you to edit the icon name manually. You can use icons that are part of the Font Awesome set of icons packaged with Joomla 4 (support may not be available in your favorite extension at this time).
For a list of available Font Awesome icons, check the Font Awesome website. When edited, the icon will show in the icon picker. If the icon does not show, it may mean the icon is not included in the icon font or the name is not edited properly.

Simplify Your Web's font icons must be prefixed with SYWicon-
. Icomoon icons must be prefixed with icon-
. Note that Icomoon icons may be removed from Joomla 4 in a later release.
Font awesome icons have a slightly more complex prefix (it can be far fa-
for instance). Check each individual icon on the Font Awesome website to find out which prefix is used for the icon to show.
Note that so far, Joomla 4 is packaged with version v5.15.4 of the icon font.
The icon picker still allows you to select icons in most cases. They are organized a bit differently than the icon picker under Joomla 3. The number of icons is very significant, therefore only icons with prefix SYWicon-
are selectable right now.
Joomla 3
Here are the icons available in the icon picker under Joomla 3:
- mail_outline
- drafts
- inbox2
- dialpad
- phone-android
- phone-iphone
- phone
- call
- phone_forwarded
- phone_in_talk
- call_end
- skype
- fax
- record_voice_over
- voicemail
- messenger
- textsms
- chat2
- question_answer
- computer
- desktop-windows
- desktop_mac
- tablet-android
- tv
- keyboard2
- keyboard-voice
- mouse2
- watch
- camera
- camera-alt
- devices_other
- videogame_asset
- router
- wifi
- bluetooth
- directions-bike
- directions-bus
- directions-car
- directions-ferry
- directions-subway
- directions-train
- directions-walk
- subway
- train
- tram
- local-shipping
- local-taxi
- traff
- flight
- flight_land
- flight_takeoff
- motorcycle
- airport_shuttle
- local_gas_station
- directions
- directions2
- home
- explore
- my_location
- location-on
- location_searching
- person_pin_circle
- gps-fixed
- near_me
- hotel
- local-attraction
- local-bar
- local-cafe
- local-florist
- local-hospital
- local-library
- books
- local-mall
- local-parking
- local-pizza
- map
- navigation
- restaurant-menu
- store-mall-directory
- location-city
- publ
- school
- office
- building
- paw
- spoon
- futbol-o
- weekend
- airline_seat_individual_suite
- airline_seat_recline_extra
- airline_seat_recline_normal
- wc
- beach_access
- business_center
- casino
- fitness_center
- free_breakfast
- golf_course
- pool
- theaters
- nature
- nature_people
- group
- supervisor_account
- person
- person_outline
- share2
- omega
- blogger
- chat
- comment
- vcard
- insert-emoticon
- favorite
- thumb-down
- thumb-up
- thumbs-up-down
- star
- star-half
- star-outline
- flickr
- vimeo
- googleplus
- tumblr
- dribbble
- stumbleupon
- lastfm
- spotify
- circles
- youtube-play
- recent_actors
- contacts
- import_contacts
- alarm
- calendar
- event
- today
- event-note
- view-agenda
- watch_later
- timelapse
- timer
- access_time
- event_seat
- trophy
- gift
- cake
- birthday-cake
- cake2
- timeline
- account-balance
- account-box
- credit-card
- receipt
- shopping-cart
- wallet-giftcard
- wallet-membership
- attach-money
- paypal
- google-wallet
- cc-visa
- cc-mastercard
- cc-discover
- cc-amex
- euro_symbol
- sd-storage
- storage
- attach-file
- attachment
- insert-drive-file
- description
- file-download
- file-upload
- folder
- dropbox
- evernote
- picasa
- archive
- unarchive
- cloud
- stack-overflow
- apple
- windows
- android
- linux
- wordpress
- drupal
- joomla
- verified-user
- security
- bug-report
- settings
- hearing
- accessibility
- accessible
- touch_app
- movie
- movie_filter
- subtitles
- music_note
- queue_music
- music_video
- photo_filter
- playlist_play
- playlist_add_check
- slow_motion_video
- album
- speaker
- camera_roll
- photo_filter
- radio
- videocam
- assignment
- book
- bookmark
- help
- info2
- label
- language
- language2
- picture-in-picture
- query-builder
- stars
- extension
- dashboard
- format-quote
- view-carousel
- visibility
- equalizer
- games
- add-circle
- content-paste
- create
- flag
- forward
- remove-circle
- save
- dvr
- now-wallpaper
- now-widgets
- insert-photo
- color-lens
- filter-frames
- healing
- style
- wb-sunny
- apps
- check-box
- radio-button-on
- pushpin
- quotes-right
- power-cord
- tag
- leaf
- newspaper
- lifebuoy
- work
- briefcase
- hourglass
- gauge
- network
- key
- vpn_key
- suitcase
- light-bulb
- box
- ticket
- rss
- pie
- lock
- lock-open
- info
- docs
- tag2
- tags
- chain
- sitemap
- new-releases
- droplets
- fiber_new
- art_track
- web_asset
- highlight
- developer_board
- filter_vintage
- power
- build
- fingerprint
- pets
- rowing
- pan_tool
- ac_unit
- child_care
- child_friendly
- hot_tub
- kitchen
- room_service
- smoke_free
- smoking_rooms
- spa
- goat
- update
- launch
- toys
- icomoon-home
- icomoon-user
- icomoon-lock
- icomoon-comment
- icomoon-comments-2
- icomoon-edit
- icomoon-pencil-2
- icomoon-folder-open
- icomoon-folder-close
- icomoon-picture
- icomoon-pictures
- icomoon-list
- icomoon-power-cord
- icomoon-cube
- icomoon-puzzle
- icomoon-flag
- icomoon-tools
- icomoon-cogs
- icomoon-options
- icomoon-equalizer
- icomoon-wrench
- icomoon-brush
- icomoon-eye
- icomoon-star-empty
- icomoon-star-2
- icomoon-star
- icomoon-calendar
- icomoon-calendar-2
- icomoon-help
- icomoon-support
- icomoon-warning
- icomoon-ok
- icomoon-cancel
- icomoon-minus
- icomoon-trash
- icomoon-mail
- icomoon-mail-2
- icomoon-unarchive
- icomoon-archive
- icomoon-box-add
- icomoon-box-remove
- icomoon-search
- icomoon-filter
- icomoon-camera
- icomoon-play
- icomoon-music
- icomoon-grid-view
- icomoon-grid-view-2
- icomoon-menu
- icomoon-thumbs-up
- icomoon-thumbs-down
- icomoon-remove
- icomoon-plus-2
- icomoon-minus-2
- icomoon-key
- icomoon-quote
- icomoon-quote-2
- icomoon-database
- icomoon-location
- icomoon-zoom-in
- icomoon-zoom-out
- icomoon-expand
- icomoon-contract
- icomoon-expand-2
- icomoon-contract-2
- icomoon-health
- icomoon-wand
- icomoon-refresh
- icomoon-vcard
- icomoon-clock
- icomoon-compass
- icomoon-address
- icomoon-feed
- icomoon-flag-2
- icomoon-pin
- icomoon-lamp
- icomoon-chart
- icomoon-bars
- icomoon-pie
- icomoon-dashboard
- icomoon-lightning
- icomoon-move
- icomoon-loop
- icomoon-shuffle
- icomoon-printer
- icomoon-color-palette
- icomoon-camera-2
- icomoon-file
- icomoon-cart
- icomoon-basket
- icomoon-broadcast
- icomoon-screen
- icomoon-tablet
- icomoon-mobile
- icomoon-users
- icomoon-briefcase
- icomoon-download
- icomoon-upload
- icomoon-bookmark
- icomoon-out-2
IcoMoon (Joomla 3.2+)
- icomoon-joomla
- icomoon-link
- icomoon-phone
- icomoon-phone-2
- icomoon-tag
- icomoon-tag-2
- icomoon-tags
- icomoon-tags-2
- icomoon-equalizer
- icomoon-unlock
- icomoon-scissors
- icomoon-book
- icomoon-calendar-3
- icomoon-shield
- icomoon-heart
- icomoon-smiley-happy
- icomoon-smiley-happy-2
- icomoon-smiley-sad
- icomoon-smiley-sad-2
- icomoon-smiley-neutral
- icomoon-smiley-neutral-2
- icomoon-credit
- icomoon-credit-2