The permissions allow a set of user to access specific information and perform specific actions.
In Weblink Logos Pro, on top of the standard permissions you can find for administration (such as configuring ACL, configuring options or accessing the administrative interface), there are a few, introduced in v2.8, that are specific to weblink edition on the live side of the site.
Use this permission to allow the user group to create a new weblink (logically, since the weblink will be saved with the field created_by set to the user who creates the weblink, the user group must also have at least edit.own access permissions).
Pro 2.8Delete
Use this permission to allow the user group to delete a weblink.
Pro 2.8Edit
Use this permission to allow a user group to edit a weblink. It gives the user overall permissions. To better target editing privileges, use the following permission.
Pro 2.8Edit Own
Use this permission to allow a group of users to edit all weblinks that have been created by the user.