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Latest update: 2020-02-15
Introduction: Give your own look to the Google reCaptcha

Custom reCaptcha

Updated: February 15, 2020
Documentation Forum

Custom reCaptcha is a plugin that gives you control over the Google's reCaptcha. It can replace the standard reCaptcha plugin packaged with Joomla! and adds solutions to make any version of the reCaptcha widget responsive.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

4 reviews
97ease of use
Last reviewed Feb 23, 2015. Add your own review!
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Custom reCaptcha is a plugin that gives you control over the Google's reCaptcha. It can replace the standard reCaptcha plugin packaged with Joomla! and adds solutions to make any version of the reCaptcha widget responsive.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

4 reviews
97ease of use
Last reviewed Feb 23, 2015. Add your own review!
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

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Additional downloads

Rescue Me reCaptcha is a Google reCaptcha v2 plugin specifically created to work with Joomla! 2.5. It is meant to provide owners of Joomla's outdated sites a solution that will extend the use of the Google reCaptcha v1 that was shut down March, 31 2018.

You must be logged in, have a current and valid support membership to be able to download this extension.


  • choose version 1, version 2 (no captcha reCaptcha) or the invisible widget,
  • use test mode to try reCaptcha without getting domain keys (test keys are used),
  • override version 1 templates (choice of 3 templates to start with),
  • force challenges in version 2,
  • add Google's legal info in place for the invisible flavor of the widget,
  • control CSS styles,
  • support for multiple reCaptchas on a same page,
  • make any version responsive (version 2 adopts a CSS3 transformations trick to fit the widget, challenges included),
  • support for SSL and RTL pages,
  • adds noscript tags for users that have disabled scripts in their browser or have a browser that doesn't support javascript,
  • Joomla 3.9 with privacy tools ready.

How is the plugin different from the core Joomla captchas?

Feature  Custom reCaptcha Joomla reCaptcha
responsive Yes No
noscript fallback Yes No
test mode Yes No
improved language support Yes No
additional styling Yes No
force audio or image challenge Yes No
Google legal link Yes No
defer Google API calls Yes No

Google has turned off reCAPTCHA v1 March 31, 2018. Any call to the v1 API no longer works.

 You can only download and purchase extensions on this site or through the Joomla administrator console.

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