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file Line Spacing of Text

6 years 10 months ago #4983 by MIW
Line Spacing of Text was created by MIW
How can I adjust the line spacing of text?
When articles are brought into Latest News line spacing is increased.


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6 years 10 months ago #4984 by syw
Replied by syw on topic Line Spacing of Text

this can be adjusted with CSS.
Use the property: line-height for text content for instance.
.newsintro { line-height: 1.2em; }

You may need some other adjustments, depending on what you need, the styles used by the module and the styles overridden by the template. For instance, you can reduce the padding of the title (.newstitle).

CSS can be added to the extension in the advanced tab.


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6 years 10 months ago #4985 by MIW
Replied by MIW on topic Line Spacing of Text
Thanks, that's what I needed as I couldn't find a setting for it.


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6 years 10 months ago #4986 by MIW
Replied by MIW on topic Line Spacing of Text
There is a problem with this; I put the code in one of four modules and it changed all of them. I have an LN module for separate module locations in my template. It's likely to be a problem when I want distinct formatting for my real site.


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6 years 10 months ago #4987 by syw
Replied by syw on topic Line Spacing of Text
The code was an example.

To separate the code for each instance, you need to follow the example given to you under the CSS overrides parameter.

For instance, prefix the code with #lnee_XX where XX is the id of your module instance.


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