v5.1.0 (07/27/22) Update release
- MODIFIED additional scripts now use repeatable fields
- MODIFIED protocol wording (use 'relative' instead of 'none')
- REMOVED async/defer attributes from scripts added before the end of the body tag (backward compatible if any defer or async is found in the url string)
- ADDED 'defer scripts' parameters (for jQuery, Bootstrap, and any listed script)
- ADDED Bootstrap 5.2 support
v5.0.3 (05/31/22) Bug fix release
- FIXED [MEDIUM] the installer plugin's language file typo crashes updates if the license expires in the next 30 days
v5.0.2 (04/18/22) Update release
- MODIFIED picking of the right CDN for the specified version for when versions are missing from specific CDNs, more user friendly since the user does not need to worry which CDN to pick
- ADDED Migrate v3.4 support
- ADDED possibility to use the open source CDN JSDelivr (check the documentation for restrictions)
v5.0.1 (02/15/22) Bug fix release
- FIXED [HIGH] remaining scripts and stylesheets are not removed properly (when partial URL) if scan is not limited to API
- FIXED [LOW] escaped / when removing empty script tags in search and replace noconflict
- FIXED [LOW] escaped / in regexp when removing GARBAGE
- ADDED support for Popper v2.11
- ADDED support for jQueryUI v1.13 (available from the jQuery MaxCDN only at the moment) so hold on for Google's CDN on the free version
v5.0.0 (10/19/21) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.8
- FIXED [LOW] installer: wrong returns for package install or update
- FIXED [LOW] popper removal does not happen under Bootstrap 5
- FIXED [LOW] module: missing global value hints in general options
- FIXED [MEDIUM] missing ignorebootstrapstylesheets in whole page scan
- MODIFIED when in debug mode, files are not using their minimized version
- MODIFIED module template position and preferred CDN are now set in global configuration
- MODIFIED regular expression overriding the defaults are now set in global configuration
- MODIFIED installer: free to pro transfer
- MODIFIED device, template, component and url selection in assignments tab (ignore/include/exclude)
- REMOVED limit to head parameter
- ADDED new popper versions
- ADDED distinction between API, head and whole page scanning with the page scan parameter
- ADDED module: values from plugin are shown when a parameter has global values
v4.3.0 (09/07/21) Initial release - packaged to support update pre-checks