v4.6.0 (01/17/23) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.17
- FIXED [LOW] include and exclude ids are filtered to avoid bad entries
- FIXED [LOW] items' display: inline-table not compatible with animations
- MODIFIED logo_link is a flex and centered element
- ADDED 'none' and 'manual' orders
v4.5.3 (07/13/22) Update release
- ADDED created/modified/published item ordering
v4.5.2 (06/01/22) Bug fix release
- FIXED [HIGH] page may get wrong content type because scripts and styles contain their own content type when created on the fly resulting in 404 error
v4.5.1 (02/23/22) Bug fix release
- FIXED [MEDIUM] category constraint when filtering custom fields may prevent the right item selection in some cases
v4.5.0 (01/07/22) Update release
- FIXED [MEDIUM] when excluding tags, wrong type alias used in the database query
- ADDED include/exclude custom field values of type list/checkboxes/radio in item selection
v4.4.0 (11/20/21) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.10
- FIXED [LOW] missing error message when fallback image creation fails
- FIXED [LOW] animation's pagination arrows have no discernable text for accessibility
- REMOVED allow_url_fopen constraint for external image files
- REMOVED image extension filter code from extension
- ADDED avif support
- ADDED avif image quality parameter
- ADDED possibility to choose the thumbnail's mime type
- ADDED versioning to images to force refresh browsers
v4.3.0 (08/21/21) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.6
- ADDED Bootstrap 5 support
v4.2.0 (03/06/21) Update release
- FIXED [MEDIUM] png image quality is wrongly set
- MODIFIED site mode code
- ADDED versioning to cached scripts and stylesheets
- ADDED defer attribute to scripts
v4.1.0 (02/21/21) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.4
- ADDED Watchful improved support
v4.0.0 (01/26/21) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.6.2
This version is packed with:
This version is packed with:
- support for some of the newest advances in web standards: the image WebP file format, the loading attribute for lazy loading images natively, CSS Flexbox for item resizing,
- a new template to use the module without logos,
- the introduction of CSS filters to alter images and reduce image use up to 50%.
- FIXED [HIGH] on mobile, if module is set not to show, the list is still retrieved
- FIXED [MEDIUM] card width is not properly calculated for animations
- FIXED [MEDIUM] when empty overall width and grid configuration, the logo is smaller than the requested size when there is border and padding - warning: it will affect your output
- FIXED [LOW] when 'restrict width' is set, height should not be set
- FIXED [LOW] the user stylesheets show the minified version on debug
- FIXED [LOW] if showing descriptions only but one item has no description, the description layer should not show and prevent extra gap
- MODIFIED use new image function toThumbnail
- MODIFIED items use CSS Flexbox for alignment
- REMOVED use of lazysizes script, replaced with web standards
- REMOVED call to getimagesize when centering logos vertically
- ADDED WebP image support (PHP 7.1+) with png fallback
- ADDED Image quality parameter for WebP image files
- ADDED grid items alignment parameter
- ADDED grid items vertical alignment parameter
- ADDED list items vertical alignment parameter
- ADDED list: text wrap parameter
- ADDED space parameter to separate elements inside each item
- ADDED ability to use CSS image filters
- ADDED template to use the extension without logos
- ADDED additional way to set font size (px)
v3.1.0 (09/11/20) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.5.3
- ADDED parameter to enforce language or not in item selection
v3.0.1 (07/06/20) Bug fix release - packaged with extensions library v1.5.2
- FIXED text is selected when in carousel and dragging with the mouse
- FIXED language filter only on multilingual websites
- ADDED carousel support for RTL
v3.0.0 (06/02/20) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.5.0
- FIXED hits feedback is not limited to the module instance but to all of them
- FIXED when arrows under animation and animation is vertical, arrows should be up and down
- FIXED database query error when selecting 'title' as category order
- FIXED CSS for improved responsiveness
- MODIFIED only load the needed transition, not the full transition library
- MODIFIED modal layout jQuery triggered event replaced with native event to be caught by native listeners (jQuery triggered events cannot be caught by native listeners by design)
- MODIFIED if using shadows, margins have at least the shadow width
- MODIFIED jQuery script for animation now uses plain javascript
- MODIFIED page numbers in animation use dots instead
- REMOVED dependency to jQuery for animations
- REMOVED page numbers in pagination
- REMOVED extra CSS for page pagination
- REMOVED deprecated iframe attributes
- ADDED 'show on mobile' advanced option
- ADDED load remote scripts option
- ADDED modal layout code to reset modal title on close
- ADDED modal layout code to support modals when Bootstrap is not the framework used
- ADDED option 'none' for the Bootstrap version parameter to remove all Bootstrap dependencies
- ADDED truncate last word option for text
- ADDED development/production mode to ease advanced parameter settings
v2.9.0 (1/20/20) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.4.21
- FIXED undefined variable error when modals are not used
- MODIFIED code to use Joomla namespaces
v2.8.0 (8/28/19) Update release
- FIXED when animations load, large blank space until loaded
- ADDED overall shadow, border, border color, border radius in styling tab
- ADDED content alignment parameter
v2.7.1 (7/25/19) Bug fix release
- FIXED arrow function expression breaks animations in older browsers like IE11
- MODIFIED language updates
v2.7.0 (7/21/19) Update release - packaged with extensions library v1.4.18
- FIXED animations flicker and are cut off sometimes when using high resolution images or lazyload
- MODIFIED link to Transifex
- MODIFIED extension fields to use namespaces
- MODIFIED layout tab: better grouping of parameters
- MODIFIED moved background-color, font-size and CSS overrides to styling tab
- REMOVED list and radio wrapper fields
- ADDED category information in the database query
- ADDED category order by title
- ADDED styling tab
v2.6.3 (4/26/19) Update release
- REMOVED messagewrapper, extensionlinkswrapper and sywextensionpresencetestwrapper fields
v2.6.2 (4/5/19) Bug fix release - packaged with extensions library v1.4.17
- FIXED modals lack CSS when on Bootstrap-free templates
v2.6.1 (3/13/19) Bug fix release
- FIXED error with general errors
- FIXED CSS to prevent lists (ul li) inside each item to inherit from the item's styles (each item being a list item)
- ADDED Weblinks extension logo
v2.6.0 (3/8/19) Update release - Much improved Bootstrap compatibility
- MODIFIED numerous files for Bootstrap compatibility
- REMOVED obsolete update sites
- ADDED wlpmodal layout
- ADDED popup/modal width/height
v2.5.2 (1/31/19) Bug fix release
- FIXED language files with _QQ_
v2.5.1 (11/24/18) Bug fix release
- FIXED show the right extension logo
- FIXED wrong image file on hover when not on high resolution screens
- FIXED the 2nd image overrides the 1st image if no filter is applied or filters are identical and both images have the same file extension
Please update your template overrides if you encounter those issues.
v2.5.0 (10/29/18) Update release - packaged with the extensions library v1.4.12
- MODIFIED extension links
- MODIFIED escaped tooltips
- MODIFIED image tag for images with high resolution
- REMOVED extensionlinkwrapper field
- REMOVED additional script declaration for high resolution images
- ADDED extensionlinkswrapper field
v2.4.3 (09/23/18) Update release
- MODIFIED logos
- MODIFIED link to Transifex
- ADDED option to remember or not where the animation left off
- ADDED path to external library in jimport
v2.4.1 (05/08/18) Bug fix release
- MODIFIED 'auto clear cached image' is now a system plugin
- REMOVED installer: weblinkstest field file after install
v2.4.0 (05/03/18) Update release - packaged with the extensions library v1.4.6
- MODIFIED CSS overrides/pretext/posttext better editor
- ADDED Polish translations
- ADDED info on the auto clear cached image plugin in the advanced tab
- ADDED option to make the title clickable
- ADDED logo of pro version
v2.3.0 (2/18/18) Update release - packaged with the extensions library v1.4.2
- FIXED extension fields
- FIXED CSS for RTL support
- FIXED error when arrows around items in horizontal configuration
- FIXED carousel items not centered on first load
- FIXED in some cases, errors won't show if imagetag remains empty
- MODIFIED mobile device detect for better mobile support
- MODIFIED user friendly image filters
- ADDED link to Quickstart tutorial on install
- ADDED quickstart link to list of links
- ADDED overrides exist info
- ADDED possibility to inline scripts
- ADDED advanced parameters have global values
- ADDED option to use the target selection of the item's link target
- ADDED option to use the click count selection of the item's click count
- ADDED default logo setting for items missing the first image
- ADDED placeholder image that can be used as default logo
v2.2.0 (10/17/17) Update release - packaged with the extensions library v1.3.10
- FIXED installer: cached files are not removed on update
- MODIFIED installer: testing the glob function
- MODIFIED donate link
- MODIFIED CSS to make transition between original and hover images more smooth
- MODIFIED overall width behavior: now sets the max width, not the exact width
- REMOVED dash '-' after hits in output
- REMOVED description processing from template file
- ADDED connect with us
- ADDED categories selection include/exclude
- ADDED categories console ordering
- ADDED category levels (more than just the first level)
- ADDED tags selection include/exclude
- ADDED tags selection include children option
- ADDED Include/exclude Ids
- ADDED 'start at' parameter
- ADDED links tab
- ADDED 'logo tooltip' parameter show/hide
- ADDED caption and hits CSS classes parameters
- ADDED display the weblink title alongside the description (choice of html header)
- ADDED item/logo background colors
- ADDED separator parameter to separate hits from description
- ADDED text font size (affects all text except footnotes)
- ADDED choice of html tags to wrap the description into
- ADDED 'exact width' parameter to allow items to resize or not
- ADDED Dutch language (thanks to OpenTranslators)
v2.1.2 (05/28/17) Update release
- FIXED version number moved to translated string in installer
- MODIFIED triggering code for pre and post text
- ADDED German and Persian languages (thanks to OpenTranslators)
v2.1.1 (01/25/17) Bug fix release. Packaged with SYW Extensions Library v1.3.6
- FIXED when looking for all items with associated tags, if none of the items have been associated, the module or the directory view should not return any item
- REMOVED restriction to weblink only tags in tag selection
- REMOVED title attribute from image, it only is available to the hover image
- ADDED online help links
v2.1.0 (11/23/16) Update release.
- FIXED refresh on Safari when using animations
- MODIFIED cleaned stylesheet to remove empty properties due to parameter conditions
- MODIFIED limited tags to tags related to Weblinks
- MODIFIED moved extension under the new caching system
- MODIFIED moved layout from advanced tab to layout tab
- MODIFIED thumbnail file names (no more prefix 'weblinklogo')
- ADDED installer change log and Transifex links moved from the language files into installer file
- ADDED installer added library version number on install or update
- ADDED option to cache images in the /cache folder
v2.0.1 (10/07/16) Update release.
- MODIFIED temporary folder default is /images not /tmp
- MODIFIED installer included auto install of the external library
- ADDED SYW Extensions Library v1.3.4 into the package installation
v2.0.0 (08/31/16) Update release
- FIXED unpublished categories should not show
- FIXED trigger events in pre/post text does not always work
- FIXED CSS to avoid conflicts with content loaded through plugins
- MODIFIED removed 'unique file name' parameter from layout - WARNING: update your overrides
- MODIFIED configuration grid/list is now at the <ul> level
- REMOVED when image alt attributes are missing, set it to the item title
- ADDED Russian translations (thanks to Gregory Ignatovich from OpenTranslators)
v1.2.3 (07/14/16) Update release
- FIXED poor performance for item selection when filtering by tags
- FIXED avoid re-creating thumbnails when image filters for the original and hover images are identical and there is no 2nd image in the weblink
- MODIFIED reordered yes/no choices
- MODIFIED moved stylesheets to styles folder
- ADDED related by tag selection
- ADDED hasTooltip class when a tooltip is needed
- ADDED common stylesheet to all instances to minimize footprint (4 instances reduced to 10KB from 28KB)
- ADDED substitute stylesheet can replace the stylesheets created by the module. If the file substitute_styles.css is found in the module's /styles folder, it will be used instead of the default stylesheets. Check the documentation
- ADDED common user stylesheet. If the file common_user_styles.css is found in the module's /styles folder, it will be loaded alongside the other stylesheets. Check the documentation
- ADDED installer: warning when template overrides exist
- ADDED content plugins can be triggered from inside the pre and post texts
- ADDED parameter 'Unique files' to make image files unique or re-usable throughout instances
- ADDED Turkish, Slovenian languages. Thank you to all Open Translators!
v1.2.2 (05/12/16) Update release
- ADDED match any/all tags when selecting items by tag(s)
- ADDED translation link to Transifex
- ADDED installer warning when missing translation
v1.2.1 (04/05/16) Update release
- FIXED centered module when vertical, animation but no arrows
- MODIFIED sepia values for better looking images
- ADDED [Experimental] 'remove whitespaces' advanced parameter to reduce the HTML output and load pages faster
v1.2.0 (03/24/16) Update release
- FIXED warning not translated properly
- FIXED thumbnails get wrong file name (reset pictures to clear the cache of old files)
- FIXED carousel name potential conflicts
- FIXED carousel items have wrong height on initial load
- FIXED carousel does not resize properly on horizontal configuration when moving all visible items at once
- FIXED carousel flickering when loading (unstyled content while the animation plugin loads)
- MODIFIED thumbnail naming
- MODIFIED requires SYW extension library v1.3.1
- ADDED pre-text and post-text fields to add html before or after module instance
- ADDED option to trigger events in description content
- ADDED option to use high resolution logos for devices with high pixel ratio
- ADDED carousel pages for pagination
- ADDED carousel pagination can be skinned with Bootstrap
- ADDED logo opacity
- ADDED random order
- ADDED on update, remove cached styles and scripts for all instances to avoid unexpected side effects due to fixes, updates and new features
- ADDED possibility to center generated images vertically when height is smaller than logo height
- ADDED possibility to restrict the logo width to the generated image width
- ADDED when resetting pictures, all generated images by the module instance are removed
- ADDED instant release of resources as soon as thumbnail creation is done
v1.1.3 (02/05/16) Update release
- MODIFIED requires SYW extension library v1.2.6
- REMOVED version number from language files
- ADDED Portuguese translations (Brazil locale) (thanks to Carlos Souza)
- ADDED version, author and translators custom fields
- ADDED link to change log when update
- ADDED sepia image filter
v1.1.2 (01/14/16) Bug fix release
- FIXED jQuery script duplicated for 'hits feedback' when several instances of the module
- FIXED missing call to Joomla file library when no animation
v1.1.1 (12/19/15) Update release
- MODIFIED requires SYW extension library v1.2.5
- MODIFIED hover types replaced with type picker
- MODIFIED tmp path creation uses external library
- MODIFIED .css.php header and 'get' parameters
- MODIFIED renaming of the different tabs
- REMOVED images grow.png, shrink.png, normal.png
- REMOVED CSS-associated hover styles
- REMOVED link to Weblinks component in the JED
- ADDED tags parameter
- ADDED tag filtering
- ADDED install: test that the Weblinks component is present
- ADDED custom field to test if Weblinks component is installed
- ADDED update server file for update notifications and auto-install through the Joomla! update system
- ADDED missing parameters associated with the 2nd image (useful for potential layout overrides)
- ADDED 'mobile' class at root of module when the module is loaded on a mobile device
- ADDED 'hit feedback' parameter. When hit, the web link item gets the CSS class 'clicked'
- ADDED support and bug report links
v1.1.0 (09/11/15) Update release
- FIXED reported errors should use Bootstrap (resulting in smaller stylesheet)
- MODIFIED url path to stylesheet
- MODIFIED if second image exists, it is used as hover image
- MODIFIED javascript for animation as script instead of script declaration when cached
- MODIFIED parameter ordering - previous 'list' layouts will revert to 'grid' with this update. Re-adjust accordingly
- MODIFIED temporary image cache can be the Joomla configured '/tmp' folder or the '/images' folder
- MODIFIED more friendly strip tags functionality (stripping not limited to the full text anymore) - verify your configuration after update
- MODIFIED module won't install if the external library is missing or of incorrect version
- MODIFIED CSS file is minified
- MODIFIED requires the external library v1.2.4 and Joomla 3.1+
- ADDED message weblinks from JED since Joomla 3.4
- ADDED weblinks link to JED
- ADDED reset cache parameter (javascript and styles are cached)
- ADDED some fields show according to previous selection when under Joomla 3.2+
- ADDED verbose parameter fields
- ADDED weblink_id and weblink_catid as classes for each item, allowing further styling
v1.0.4 Update release
- MODIFIED logo floats in list view
- MODIFIED stylesheet for better list layout management, especially for mobile devices
v1.0.3 Bug fix release
- FIXED database error when selecting 'all categories'
v1.0.2 Update release
- FIXED swipe issues on mobile carousels - update external library to v1.1.2
- FIXED isolate grow/shrink CSS classes
- MODIFIED logos are created at every access is the new default
- UPDATED extension links
- ADDED new logo
- ADDED French translation
v1.0.1 Initial public release