Category: Trombinoscope Contacts

Trombinoscope view: page display

Trombinoscope Contacts
Article before An article to show as introduction to the list of contacts (content plugins allowed)
Article after An article to show as conclusion to the list of contacts (content plugins allowed)
  • Flat list a list of actions
  • Dropdown to use in conjunction with Bootstrap
The flat layout
The flat layout
The dropdown layout
The dropdown layout
CSS Classes CSS classes that can be applied to each action, to transform a link into a button for instance.
Using btn btn-sm btn-secondary in Bootstrap 5 will create a small button with the secondary color of the template when using the flat layout.
The flat layout with applied Bootstrap classes
The flat layout with applied Bootstrap classes
Print Shows a print button to print the current view
Download as CSV Shows a link allowing users who have the right permission to download a .csv file of the filtered contact data. The user needs to have download permission. The file will contain ALL the information that is showing on the contact cards (EXCEPT the fields added through plugins)
Search This section has moved to the pagination tab since 4.15.0
Search Show or hide a search field on the page (the search will look through names and searchable fields).
Multiple keywords allowed (the query will look for any of the words added to the search field)
Note Links A..E and fields added with the content plugin Add Key Content Fields are NOT searchable.
Joomla 3.7+ custom fields are searchable with one restriction for multiple value fields: values are searched, not the text associated to them, therefore values are found if they are identical to their text
Search options Show advanced search options under the search field.

The users will be able to fine tune their search with all words (fields must contain all the words present), any words (fields may contain any of the words) and exact phrase (fields must contain the exact sentence).

Example tada todo in the search field will search for:

  • all words: tada and todo
  • any word: tada or todo
  • exact phrase: 'tada todo'

Note The extension does not output strict matches. For instance, when looking for 'todo', the search will return contacts which contain 'todo' but also contacts which contain words containing 'todo'.

Default option Determine which option (all / any / exact) you want to make available as default

Print uses the tcpicons layout, Search uses the tcpsearch layout and both can be overridden (more layout information in the Common information section).